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If I Can't Do Just One Thing...

weaning away from multitasking

If I Can't Do Just One Thing...

Happy Monday!

Moon day: today's moon is waxing gibbous 89% visible. "waxing"=increaing in size; "gibbous"=convex, protuberant (i.e. more than half full)

I feel it's a good idea to know what the moon's doing, and Monday being moon day being start-the-week day it's a good reminder to invoke that lunar energy into the flow of work and life.

I'd been feeling overwhelmed with activities and visitations and work these last few days, so the fullness of the expansive moon is good company as I invite my energies to expand to meet all the demands.

Again and again, the "one thing at a time" message recurs. I can't listen to two audios at once while correcting translation proofs,  reading submissions for literary magazines, preparing publicity material for a client, and clearing my inbox. Cannot!

And there's something magical, musical even, about that solitary note of focusing on one thing.

That said, this dessicated shell of a lizard, and the envy-green caterpillar in its head, wouldn't have shown themselves to me had I not done a little weeding while talking on the phone. It was simultaneously a distraction from the phone conversation and a reminder to seize the moment.

It was my personal Ozymandias.

And I was glad, prickled fingers and all, to get the puncture vine picked up from awfully close to my doorstep!

Comments (2)

  • Kay


    05 November 2014 at 09:48 | #

    Love this, being under overwhelm myself all of a sudden. I am going to wash my brain today and rush around for a few hours, then hop the ferry and ride across the Sound and see a movie set in Paris (My Old Lady) and THEN tomorrow, start the one-thing-at-a-time thingie......good luck to yours!


    • Ela


      12 December 2014 at 12:20 | #

      Kay--one thing at a time and good luck to all of us. I hope your journey across the Sound was beautiful.


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